Driving Organizational Efficiency through Communication
For any organization to operate efficiently, the role of proper and effective communication is critical. Proper, clear and focussed communication helps to build efficiency, strong teams and ensures a good feedback system to iron out any flaws. Thus, it helps in ways not immediately obvious. Communications is key to giving a brief, setting expectations, team management & building…and many other core objectives of the organization. In every facet of a business’ operations, communications play a role – whether stakeholder management, product development, client & customer relations, employee management, etc… Employees are a crucial component of the process and a key audience because they often serve as the medium for other external audiences. If the organization’s employees are well informed and constantly engaged, communications with other constituencies are stronger and more effective.
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Setting Clear Expectations for Employees
The role of effective communications is central to establish clear expectations for employees and, also for the customers of the business. Where employees are concerned, proper effective communication will clarify how their performance will impact the company and chart out a way for them for further course of action to contribute positively. Whereas customers can be managed well by communicating properly about the product or service, service issues and how to interact with the organization.
Generating Ideas and innovation
When there is open communication in a non-judgemental manner, these open channels of communication definitely help to can lead to new ideas and innovation in various areas. Thus, the employees who understand the focus and what is important to their companies can focus on making improvements and identifying areas for innovation which can help spur growth. Employees are more likely to give ideas and contribute, when they are sure their ideas are sought, the leaders will listen with an open mind and give proper feedback. Similarly, customers too can be a vital source of great ideas that can help to improve products and services.
Fostering Strong Relationships
Trust and loyalty are the main factors in any relationship – they are strengthened and boosted by effective communication that focusses on the individual’s needs, channeling important information and giving positive and constructive feedback. Effective communication builds strong relationships. For any business, strong relationships with external audiences also help to evolve robust solid communication about products, services and the company culture & values.
Employees as Business Ambassadors
If employees are fully informed about the company, it’s culture, products and services, they can do a great job as ambassadors of the business to the community at large. Also to friends, family and their personal & professional networks. The employees who identify with the organization, feel a strong positive relation with the business will trust the information they receive. They are more likely to share that information with others. Thus communications plays a vital role in turning employees into business ambassadors. They can also be a trusted and valued source of information about a company and its products and services.
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Helping in achieving Goals and Strong Teamwork
Proper, effective communication across the organization will give rise to a culture of strong teamwork, a spirit of bonding & sharing and develop the ability across all levels of employees to work together for achieving the company goals. Moreover, effective communications help to give employees the knowledge, confidence and positive work they require to deal with conflict in an objective manner and resolve issues. Building effective teams that drive collective efforts to realize company goals is one of the important tenets of effective organizational communication.

Swapan Dholakia
Swapan Dholakia is a senior professional heading the Communications and Outreach at Legalwiz.in. His current interest areas are trade diplomacy,building synergies, and leveraging Communications to impact society & audiences at large.