How to view company details from MCA Master Data service?
Every company that is incorporated in India is governed by the Companies Act and registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). All the basic details of a company registered with MCA can be accessed online through the Master Data service on the MCA portal.
What is a Company’s Master Data?
A company’s Master Data is essentially a general biography about any company registered in India. This information is available on the MCA portal for the general public to view based on data provided at the time of company registration.
The following information comes under the Master Data of a company:
- Company’s name
- It’s CIN (Corporate Identification Number)
- Its’ ROC Code
- The class and category of the company
- The company’s registration number Registration
- The Authorised Capital of the company in INR
- The Paid-up Capital of the company in INR
- Date of incorporation of the company
- The registered address of the company
- Company’s email id
- The date of the company’s last Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Whether its a listed company or not
- The number of members of the company in case its a company without shares
- If the company has any ACTIVE compliances
- If the company was suspended at the stock exchange
- The Address of any other office than the registered office where some or all of the book of accounts and papers of the company are maintained
- The date of the company’s Balance Sheet
- Company’s current status (for e-filing)
How to View Master Data?
MCA has made accessing a company’s Master Data extremely simple. Anyone at any time can check the Master Data for a company online on the MCA website.
The process of accessing the Master Data of a company:
- Go to the MCA website and click on MCA Services.

- Go to the sub-heading ‘Master Data’ and click on ‘View Company/LLP Master Data’.

- Once you’re on the ‘View Master Data’ page, if you know the company’s CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN, type that in. Then type in the captcha, and click on submit.

- Alternatively, you can click on the search icon next to the search box for ‘Company/LLP name’. This shall open a dialogue box. In the dialogue box, type in the name of the company you’re looking for, and click on search.

- Click on the appropriate company name from the search results. This should take you back to the ‘View Company/LLP Master Data’ page. There you’ll find the company name and CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN pre-filled. Just fill in the captcha, and click on submit.

- This will show you the Master Data of the company. From here you can export to excel and download or print all the relevant documents of the company.

Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I find a company’s Master Data without its CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN?
Yes, MCA lets you search a company’s details via its name on the ‘View Master Data’ page and auto-fills the CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN details of it for you.
- Do I need an account on MCA to access a company’s Master Data?
No, you do not need an account on the MCA website to access the Master Data of a company. Unlike a lot of other services and tools on the MCA website, one can access the Master data of a company without any login or registration,
- Why is the Master Data of a company important?
The Master Data of a company is important as it lets people who are looking to invest in the company or get into any collaborations with the company, about the company’s well-being. It lets one know if the company has any compliances pending, as well as who the directors of the company are. In other words, the Master Data of a company lets an outsider make a fair and accurate evaluation of the company.
- Can I view LLP Master Data on the MCA portal?
Yes, you can view LLP master data by following the steps mentioned above.
- Can I check a company’s Master Data from my phone?
Yes, one can easily access the MCA website/portal on any smartphone. You can check the Master Data of a company on your phone from anywhere.

Monjima Ghosh
Monjima is a lawyer and a professional content writer at She has a keen interest in Legal technology & Legal design, and believes that content makes the world go round.