What is Director Identification Number (DIN)? How to apply for it?
DIN is the Director Identification Number for the company directors which assigned by the central government. It is a unique 8-digit identification number with lifetime validity. Details of the managers or appointed partners remains in a database through DIN.
DIN is a unique ID number assigned to a person who is to be appointed as the Director/ Partner when applying for e-form DIR-3. When an LLP partner wants to change his appointment from a Partner to a Designated Partner, he must apply for DIN. DIN is a person’s definition and may only apply for one DIN if the same person is the director of two businesses. He does not need to apply for a new DIN even though he leaves the company and enters another business as a director.
Details required in DIN form (E-Form DIR-3)
The following details in the documents is mandatory to file e-Form DIR-3 to avail director identification number.
The name, according to the PAN CARD.
The address is filled in according to the attached address evidence.
Also required are the Unique Mobile No and Mail Id.
Remark-Name details, name of the father, surname, etc. are tested in the DIR-3 E-Form using PAN No.
Documents required
1) Photograph of the applicant
2) Self-attested copy PAN CARD
3) Self-attested proof of residence i.e., Aadhar card/ Any utility bill or bank statement not older than two months (in the name of applicant)
4) Attested passport copy is mandatory as ID proof for foreign nationals.
5) Digital signature certificate.
How to Apply for DIN Number
Any individual seeking to become a director of a newly formed company must apply for a Director Identification Number only via the SPICe eForm at the time of formation.
Anyone seeking to be a director of an existing business is also liable to apply for DIN allocation using eForm DIR-3 and complete the following procedure:
Include a photograph and a scanned copy of accompanying papers, such as proof of identification and attesting the evidence of residency.
Step 2
There is no requirement to present physical papers to the DIN cell.
Step 3
The applicant needs to furnish the Application Form DIR-3; later, the Company Secretary will validate it digitally. The CS could either be an existing employee or an existing corporation where the applicant must get appointed as a director.
Step 4
After uploading, pay the eForm DIR-3 filing charge. Only electronic payment of fees is applicable in Credit Card, Netbanking, NEFT, Debit Card, etc. The handling of eForm DIR-3 will proceed only after the payment of the application cost for the DIN.
Step 5
Following successful payment and verification of data in the form, the department will issue an authorized DIN. In case of duplication of the details in the eform, one can still obtain the provisional. The user will get an appropriate informative note in this respect in the receipt of Director Identification Number.
Step 6
As a matter of verification, DIN’s back-office personnel would handle cases where eForm DIR-3 represents false or duplicate information. Upon approval, provisional DIN becomes an authorized approved, which will be eligible for future submissions.
Signing Of Form Dir-3 (Din Application) for Director Identification Number
The applicant need to digitally sign the DIR-3 form followed by a signature post verification from the Company Secretary in full-time employment of the company or by the Managing Director or Director or CEO or CFO of the existing company in which the applicant is intends to be appointed as a director.
Note In Case Of Foreign National As Applicant
The DIR-3 Form will require the details of valid passport as an attachment to the application. Both relevant documentation need to be apostilled and notarized in the applicant’s home country. If a foreign director has a valid Indian visa or Indian Origin Individual or Indian Overseas Citizen Passport, the attestation may also be performed by the Indian Public Notary / Gazetted Officer.
What are the fees for Din Application?
Application fees for DIN are Rs.500/-.
Grounds for Rejection of Director Identification Number Application
The approval of provisional DIN is applicable only after the examination of the attached documents with the application.
Some of the common mistakes of the applicants that reject the DIN application are as low as possible.
- The documents supported are invalid or expired.
- A government agency has not issued proof of identity submitted.
- The application submitted shall be a duplicate DIN application, and one application is pending or approved by that applicant.
- Failing to attach photograph with the application submission.
- No attachment of the signatures as per the requirements.
- The name of the applicant filed in the application form does not correspond to the name of the evidence included.
- The ID number entered in the application does not correspond to the identification evidence included.
- If the records used are not authenticated.
In case of rejection of the application, it is possible to make a new DIN application.
Mandatory Compliance for DIN Numbers: KYC
According to the MCA guidelines, any DIN holder with a valid DIN number must provide the MCA with his KYC information. This practice is also obligatory for disqualified directors.
Guide to file DIR-3 KYC
You will require the following documents to file DIR-3 KYC.
- Nationality and Citizenship Information: Gender and date of birth.
- Permanent Account Number (PAN)
- Voters ID Card
- Passport (mandatory for foreign national DIN)
- Driving License
- Aadhaar card
- Personal Mobile and
- Personal Email Address
- Residential address.
Apart from the items mentioned above, please keep the following things ready:
- Digital signature with an individual application form submission (applicant).
- Attestation of documents from practitioners such as CA, CS, or Cost Accountants, as mentioned above. In case of non-Indian citizens the approval of the documents should come from the designated authority.
- The applicant must have a statement properly approved by practitioners.
Failing to eForm DIR-3 KYC within the Due Date
If a Din holder does not submit the DIR-3 KYC on the site of the MCA 21, the department must mark the DIN “Disabled due to non-presentation of the DIR-3 KYC.”
If the holder of a DIN wishes to revitalize his DIN by sending eForm DIR-3 KYC at a late date, he shall be able to do so after paying a Rs 5,000 fee. To keep the DIN numbers approved, this form must be filed annually.
*Last Updated: 09/08/2021

Benazir Shaikh
Benazir Shaikh is a company secretary pursuing her Internship at LegalWiz.in. She prospects to make a career in Legal & Secretarial field.