All You Need to Know about Form 27Q

Published On: Sep 4, 2023Last Updated: Nov 8, 20233 min read


In the realm of taxation, Form 27Q is a pivotal player. Especially when it concerns Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and the deduction of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS). This form is essential for ensuring that the government collects its due taxes on various sources of income before it reaches the beneficiary’s account. It’s also very important for when it’s time to file TDS Returns. Here, we will delve into the intricacies of Form 27Q. We will explore who needs it, what it encompasses, and how to navigate through its complexities.

Payments Covered under Form 27Q

Form 27Q primarily deals with TDS deductions on payments made to NRIs and foreigners, excluding salary payments. It encompasses various scenarios such as payments to individuals, organizations, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and more. The payer plays a crucial role in this process. They are responsible for deducting TDS from these payments before transferring the amount to the NRI,

Included Transactions

Form 27Q covers a wide range of transactions, except for those involving dividend payments to NRIs, salary payments, and interest income as outlined under sections 195LB/LC/LD.

Excluded Transactions

As mentioned earlier, dividend payments to NRIs, salary payments, and certain interest income fall outside the purview of Form 27Q. It’s vital to be aware of these exclusions to avoid compliance issues.

Uncertain Transactions

Transactions involving NRIs can sometimes be complex, particularly when it comes to taxation. Seeking professional advice or referring to relevant tax sections is advisable when dealing with uncertain scenarios.

Payment Details

The TDS deducted by the payer must be deposited through a challan on or before the seventh day of the following month. The payer is responsible for this deposit. After TDS deposition, the payer must complete Form 27Q and submit the TDS return within the stipulated quarter’s filing deadline.

Procedure to Deduct TDS

TDS must be deducted from payments made to NRIs. The sales agreement between the buyer and the NRI seller should specify the details of TDS deductions and the applicable rate. The payer, usually the buyer, must complete Form 27Q and submit the TDS return on time.

Details Required for Filing Form 27Q

To file Form 27Q accurately, specific details are indispensable:

  • The Payer: This section requires information such as PAN and TAN numbers, contact details, name, address, financial year, and the original statement or receipt number of the return filed in the same quarter.
  • The Payee: PAN number, telephone number, email ID, complete address, contact number, name, and branch of the division are mandatory.
  • Challan: Details about the TDS amount, BSR Code, collection code, tax deposit date, method of TDS deposition, education cess amount, interest amount, total tax deposit, and the number of demand drafts or cheques must be provided.
  • Deduction: This section necessitates PAN number, amount of TDS deducted, name of the tax collector, and amount paid to the payee.

Moreover, if the NRI’s PAN number is unavailable, Form 27Q should include the Tax Identification Number, country of residence, permanent address, contact information, and email ID.

Due Date for Filing Form 27Q

Filing Form 27Q is a quarterly affair, and it must be submitted before the due date for that quarter. Timeliness in filing is critical to avoid penalties and ensure compliance with tax regulations.


In conclusion, understanding Form 27Q is imperative for anyone making payments to NRIs. This form ensures that the government receives its share of taxes on various income sources, maintaining the integrity of the taxation system in India. Stay informed, stay compliant, and seek professional advice if needed to navigate the complexities of Form 27Q and its associated TDS requirements.

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Monjima Ghosh
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Monjima Ghosh

Monjima is a lawyer and a professional content writer at She has a keen interest in Legal technology & Legal design, and believes that content makes the world go round.

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