Trademark Class 23: Yarns and Threads
Trademark Class 23 includes all kinds of yarns and threads that are used in textile. Class 23 includes goods like carpet yarns, chenille yarn, cotton-based thread and yarn, coir yarn, Elastic thread and yarn, Embroidery thread, etc.
Important goods included in Trademark Class 23
- Camel hair yarn
- Carded yarn
- Threads for textile use
- Carpet yarns
- Cashmere yarns
- Cotton for darning
- Cotton thread
- Cotton yarn
- Ceramic fibre yarns
- Chemical-fibre threads and yarns for textile use
- Chenille yarn
- Chopped plastic fibres for textile use
- Coir thread and yarn
- Cotton base mixed thread and yarn
- Elastic thread
- Elastic yarn
- Embroidery thread and yarn
- Fibreglass thread for textile use
- Hand knitting wools
- Glass fibre thread and yarn
- Hemp yarn
- Linen thread and yarn
- Raw silk yarn
- Spun silk yarn
- Plastic thread for textile use
- Metal fibre thread for textile use
- Sewing thread
- Sail thread
- Rayon yarn
- Synthetic yarn
- Twisted yarn
- Waxed thread
List of popular TM Class 23 examples
- Alok industries ltd: Yarn and threads of all kinds
- Arvind mill: Yarns and threads for textile use.
- Vardhman: All kinds of yarn, wool and threads.
- SRF: Yarns and threads including fibre yarns and fibre threads
- Welspun: All kinds of threads and yarns
- Trident: Yarns and threads
- Nahar spinning: All types of yarns
- Raymond: Woollen yarn and threads of all kinds
- Rupa: Yarns & threads
List of goods classified under Trademark Class 23
All trademark goods protected under Class 23 are listed below:
Class | Term |
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Miheel Parmar
Miheel Parmar is a professional content writer at with a keen interest in all things tech. He firmly believes in content as a medium to positively impact audiences globally and can be found reading books when he is not writing.